Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving !

Lindsey and Jacob arrived this afternoon. Lindsey went to the Doctor's office first thing and got a Procrit shot. Her hemoglobin is a little low. They said if she still feels weak and achy they will give her whole blood on Monday. However, by this evening, she said she felt better, and is hoping that by tomorrow morning the Procrit will take hold and she'll feel stronger. We watched a movie tonight and the newlyweds went to bed early. We've made great progress on the basement. The painting is nearly complete. On Friday, they will come in to put the shelves and rods in the closets, and install the bathroom vanity sink. The appliances were also installed today. Monday we are expecting the plumbing, heating & air and the electrical to be completed. Carpet installation is Tuesday.................Two Men and a Truck will pick up their stuff from their apartment on Wednesday and bring it down here ! That's when we will need some help ! Please see the next entry.