Thursday, January 24, 2008

Good News

Lindsey is off the Prograf pump, and is taking oral anti-rejection medications. She is so glad not to be connected to that back pack all the time! Also, she's been cut down to one bag of fluid daily in the clinic, so that gets Jacob and Lindsey out of the clinic 3 hours sooner ! THANK YOU GOD ! They still have to get up at "oh dark thirty" to drive up there, but they're out before noon, so that is progress! This will free up Jacob to start working on some other things he has put on hold, and Lindsey will be able to begin her sewing projects and cooking and whatever! She still has to stay home and be away from crowds, so indoor activities are in order. She can take walks around the neighborhood, but that's about it. Let's pray that she continues to make progress and has no setbacks. If and when GVHD symptoms set in (and they probably will) she may have to go back to the longer days, but most likely any minor GVHD will be able to be controlled in other ways. Time will tell...................keep praying !