Thursday, January 24, 2008
Remind Me..............
Please remind me never to say that everything is going along smoothly ~ that is certain to bring on a complication...........Lindsey told the Physicians Assistant today that she was having a little bit of pain near the site of her biopsy this past summer. Being cautious as they always are, they immediately sent her downstairs for a CT scan of her lungs. Low and behold, they found something else. She has what appears to be the beginnings of a fungal infection in her other lung, and tomorrow they are going to do a bronchoscopy to take a piece of it to put in a petrie dish for a few days, and they will also wash her lungs with anti-fungal . . . she'll be knocked out for this, of course, but I don't imagine she'll feel great when she is done. They are not going to wait to see what grows in the petrie dish, they will go ahead and give her IV anti-fungal in the clinic after the procedure. Sounds like a long day. They said it was a good thing she complained about the other thing, because this could have gotten to be a bigger problem before she noticed any symptoms. As it is, they expect they have caught this before it can really become something that might warrant hospitalization. Doesn't take much when your counts are down ~ Thank God she complained about her incision site in the other lung. Oh, by the way, that area has a little fluid in the pleural cavity outside her lung, but it's not something they will take care of while her counts are down. It's just a little discomfort. If it really becomes painful they will drain it later. This is a perfect example of "If it ain't something, it's something else." Please say a little prayer that all goes well tomorrow and that this is just a minor inconvenience for Jacob and Lindsey.